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The Province of BC on the insistence of ICBC has recently changed the laws regarding accident claims which deeply impact their compensation for massage therapy and other modalities. As an ICBC claimant you should understand how this will affect your ability to get...
Introducing the Crossroads Massage Therapy VIP Rewards Program. Which would you rather have? A free Starbucks coffee or Free massage time? Most registered massage therapists rely on word of mouth from their happy clients to continue growing their practices. I have...
Massage’s healing touch may have more to do with DNA than with good hands. A new study has revealed for the first time how kneading eases sore muscles—by turning off genes associated with inflammation and turning on genes that help muscles heal. The discovery...
This is a LinkedIn response to a question asking what is your bias in relation to massage therapy. Udo Magel Ph.D • I have a big issue with Spa-Massage, Massage therapy, Therapeutic Massage ec. There is nothing wrong with all of them. How ever, I have been gone to...
As the season changes we move in to cold and flu season, people are coming in with the sniffles, sore throats, achy bodies, clogged sinuses and their related head aches. There are a number of simple things you can incorporate in your lives that can have a...