Empowered with your EFT
Thank you,
not just for your words, but for your actions. You succeed everyday! In case you are ever tempted to think that you, or your methods, are anything less than awesome, because one of your clients doesn't seem to grasp it, I will tell you my story for the past week.
Remember first that I seemed overwhelmed or confused the last time I saw you, you read me something and I couldn't grasp it at all. I left there to face a week filled with shame producing events. I survived them all with a sense of some sort of quiet underlying my whole being. The survival took time, it just felt strange.Then early Friday morning, I found myself face to face with a mental image I've indulged in for a long time. The moment it started, I became the most powerful person ever to walk the face of the earth and said No, never again, that is shame and I will have no part of it in my life.
I stopped, took my time, used EFT against any remaining shame and marked the place it occurred, not a precipice or a step from nothing to something or a rescue from impending doom, but a place where I was surrounded by solid ground, strength and purpose. I couldn't even see a precipice from where I stood. So thank you, more than words can express. I will be back. And I will succeed.
Crossroads Massage Therapy